Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reality TV

Having just watched Tony Robbins 'Breakthrough' last night, I just wanted to say "Thank you!" thank you to God, the universe, the Secret or whatever you may believe in but thank you! I think this is an example of reality TV that may actually be useful, uplifting and beneficial to watch! Is there drama? Yes, Is there screaming, crying, and yelling? 'Yes' but it has to do with people growing, changing and ultimately becoming happier. Instead of the ever common drama for the sake of drama!
If you're a Parelli person you know that after being exposed to the Parelli principles it can have a 'small' effect on how you look at things, so with that theme in mind. I think and feel what Tony is doing for people is similar to what Pat does for horses. The show reminds me of how Pat plays with, diagnoses and helps change to issues horses have. At times there may be 'drama' but the key is something that these leaders both live by, doing it FOR the person/horse they are leading not TO them! This is such an important piece, it makes a HUGE difference! I know that I have been in situations where someone is leading with an attitude of tasks and requests being asked FOR my best interest, as well as the alternative of serving them and whats being asked is happening TO me. The feeling of working through something difficult but knowing that I'll be better for the experience is huge!
In summery I enjoy the new series 'Breakthrough' and will be watching it every Tuesday night while it lasts. I'm excited about the potential that reality TV could have a positive effect on our minds, and I look forward to the response and possible future endeavors of this kind.
So, watch Tony Robbins, see what you think and if your a Parelli person see if you can spot the similarities.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article, couldn't agree more!!!!
